Ask the Expert your Human Resource Questions

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Date(s) - 04/24/17
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm


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Our next Ask the Expert session is scheduled for April 24th, 2017.
The topic is Human Resources and our expert is Jim Evans of JK Evans & Associates.


What is Ask the Expert? It’s a free service for current OANO members to talk with an expert, and get advice on specific topics such as accounting, legal, human resources, fundraising, marketing…

How does the program work?
Ask the Expert allows current OANO members to make an appointment and discuss ANY Employee Benefit topic specific to their organization.

• Must be scheduled in advance
• Last a maximum of 25 minutes
• Are conducted over the phone

How do I make an appointment?
• You must contact OANO in advance to schedule an appointment:
614-280-0233, 888-480-6266,
• At the time of your call you will be assigned an appointment time.
• Appointments will be made on a first-come, first-serve basis

Once all appointment times are booked, any further callers will be added to a waitlist and will have first priority the next time the same topic is covered during Ask the Expert.


Our expert, Jim Evans, is available to answer ANY of your human resource questions that are specific to your organization.

Topics covered could include, but are not limited to:
• Overall Salary Structure Evaluation & Compensation
• Employee Handbooks
• Retention Strategies
• Job Descriptions


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At JK Evans & Associates LLC, we pride ourselves in being reliable, friendly and efficient.
We are an experienced management consulting firm providing human resources and labor relations services to private, public, and non-profit employers throughout Ohio. Working hand-in-hand with our clients, we help them develop and execute winning HR strategies that maximize and enhance performance. Instead of a generic, off-the-shelf approach, we custom design our products and services to meet the unique needs of each client.


Jim EvansDuring his successful 30-year consulting career, Jim Evans has assisted hundreds of private businesses, non-profit agencies, and other public-sector organizations, throughout Ohio. In addition to his strong entrepreneurial skills and experience as a business leader, Jim brings years of actual management and HR experience to assist employers as they face today’s challenging and rapidly changing business environment.


Call or email OANO for an appointment today!

614-280-0233 or

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